With most of the online classes suspended and examinations being held up, numerous scholars have come face to face with the stress and challenges of self-studying at home. Schools, colleges and coaching classes all have moved to e-learning platforms which may be new for many students. When it comes to studying from home, the biggest challenge is finding a quiet corner to study and ace those multiple tests and final examinations. Utmost of all will agree that studying from home isn’t easy, but strong planning and building a favourable study terrain is what you need to ace any examinations in this pandemic period.
It’s possible to prepare and score well in the board examinations without coaching. The main tip here is to understand concepts so you need to memorise less. All chapters of NCERT should be studied, with no chapters or questions left for choice if you plan on scoring good marks. Solve some past question papers and allot time for each section. Get doubts clarified by your school teacher or online sources available. Don’t neglect any subject.
Make sure you have all the materials needed. Plan a thorough schedule, how to study, what to study. Start with a subject that you are confident in. However, ask any of your friends or neighbours as I feel you could find at least one person who could clear them, If you have any doubts Google them or watch YouTube videos for an explanation of the particular concept and if still, you are not clear with the content. Lastly and most importantly, be cool, only try to grasp the subject behind the topics, and try to write them in your own way in a straight and specialized language.
Here are some tips to crack the board exam without stress:
- Select the right time to start preparing for the board exams:
Though every student has different learning capabilities so we can’t decide when each student should start preparing for the exams. Still, there is a common approach to exam preparation that needs to be followed. Those who are not done with the revision of the whole syllabus or have not started yet can start now to ignore the disappointment at the time of test results.
- Examination pattern overview:
Scholars must go through question papers from previous papers. This helps them determine important topics/chapters for every subject paper. Once a list of common questions is in place, it becomes very easy to prioritise important topics while preparing for the examination, therefore bringing in some focus and making the preparation that much easier. You can also go through CBSE Class 10 PYQP to help you prepare better.
- A good schedule will make the exam preparations easy:
Abraham Lincoln once said that if he were given 6 hours to cut a tree, he would spend the first four hours sharpening his axe. It is clear that without proper planning, it is almost impossible to reach any target. A simple approach for a student preparing for the exams is to make a timetable for when they plan to study each subject and strictly follow it.
- Sufficient time should be devoted to self-study:
After school or coaching classes, it’s ideal for every student to take out some time wherein he/ she can devote fully to self- studies. Students must spare enough time in self-study so that they can achieve some prefixed study targets.
- Give preference to your textbook over reference book:
Focusing on the specified text rather than trying to attempt all questions in a particular reference book can help to not only save time, but prepare effectively for any exam, and is a commodity that students must follow diligently.
- Formula lists:
For every student studying maths or physics for the board examinations, it is essential to make formula lists and stick to them in front of the study table. The students should prepare a list of each topic and keep referring to them at regular intervals.
- Take regular breaks to enjoy yourself:
It can never be overemphasised how important breaks are important during studying. Students must avoid studying for long hours continuously and rather, take regular intervals every 50-60 minutes as taking regular breaks helps one to stay focused, fresh and alert.
- Don’t neglect the languages:
Generally, students with STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects for commerce students with Maths try to concentrate more on all subjects other than languages. Since marks entered in all subjects are calculated together to arrive at a final score, it is important to not neglect languages.
- Appropriately write the board exam:
After preparing completely for the board test, a time will come when the answer distance must reflect the hard work that has been put in during medication. Scholars must follow proper ways and strategies to write answers in an organized way that will enable them to complete the test well in time. Scholars should make proper use of the 15 minutes reading time distributed before starting to write their answers as this will help them to understand the questions and prepare consequently.
- Organize your study office:
Clear any clutter around your study area and organize your books, writing pads, pen, and pencils etc. Nice and tidy study space will help you concentrate and make way to absorb new generalities and ideas. You may use small sticky notes to write down keys to the answers, concepts and ideas. Also, prepare a study schedule and give each subject a slot. Set your goals for each subject/ concept and try to complete it in an assigned timeline.
- Create a study corner:
It’s important that you have a dedicated space for a study where you can part yourself from your family. Studying on bed and settees are a big no! Use a proper study table and chair to concentrate better and avoid any posture-related pains. Also, don’t keep everything close to your study desk. Organize your study room in a manner that you have enough room to move, reach around for your books and other study material. Also, make sure your study room is well lit.